What you need to know when preparing yourself for a beauty pageant

Category: Blog     Created Date: 30 Sep 2022

Preparing for a beauty pageant is not an easy task and it is one that requires special attention. There are a number of factors to consider; therefore, let’s take a look at it one by one.

  • Budget

This is the most immediate factor to consider. It is a known fact that participating in beauty pageants requires quite a bit of expenditure as there are various expenses associated. Your budget would have an impact on every aspect of the pageant.

  • Preparation

Participating in a beauty pageant will require a significant amount of mental and physical preparation. 

Starting from the preliminary interviews, to submitting paperwork and understanding the requirements of the pageant, it is essential that you walk the talk on the runway. Establishing a reliable support system would greatly help you to relieve stress and ‘depend on’ when the final hour comes close at hand. 

Physical reparation is equally as important as mental preparation. Setting a proper diet plan and exercise regime will help you to keep fit and stay in shape for the pageant. You can get some added support through a personal trainer, fitness coach and/or dietician if it fits your budget. Keep your motivation levels up and build up on positivity through meditation and stress-relieving activities. Set an achievable goal and strive towards achieving it. 

  • Select a Pageant Coach 

Developing a confident physical presence and a unique walking style onstage, are critical factors to be considered. Select a reputed pageant coach and continue to determinedly practice onstage presence and build up on your confidence. Discuss your targets with your coach and together work on a routine that will help you reach your end objective. 

  • Wardrobe Selection

This is probably the most favourite part of any beauty pageant and it can also be the most fun. Shopping for dresses with other fellow participants and aspiring beauty queens or choosing outfits with your sister and best friend, is a big part of the pageant experience. Get wardrobe advice from a professional stylist if possible and plan everything to suit your budget so that nothing can stress you unnecessarily. 


At the end of it all, being a part of a beauty pageant is a wonderful experience, one that must be enjoyed and revelled in. Prep well and take in your stride. Trust and believe in yourself for this will help you face that mesmerising runway with confidence and glamour. 

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An article by AQOSE Content Team